Inovasi - Inovasi Di Kabupaten Purbalingga

Permadi Mulajaya, Charis Christiani


In the era of regional autonomy, local governments are required to be independent and can overcome some of the problems faced by the region, including issues in improving public services for the welfare of the community. Therefore, local governments are required to have innovations in the management of government. Innovation itself serves to encourage organizational growth, improve future success, and is the engine that allows organizations to survive vulnerabilities. In innovation there are several principles that must be implemented: efficiency improvement, effectiveness improvement, service quality improvement, no conflict of interest, public interest oriented, done openly, fulfilling the values of propriety, and accountable the results are not for self-interest own.

Purbalingga District Government, Central Java Province is one of the areas that have innovation in government management and ranked number 2 in the top 99 innovation of Indonesian public service in 201 (Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform Republic of Indonesia (MenPAN-RB) Number 5 Year 2016 About TOP Setting 99 Public Service Innovation 2016). Innovation that has been done is 1. innovation in the field of Public service that is award, this program brings Purbalingga District into second rank Nomination TOP 99 on scholarship program SMK 3 purbalingga with solar program for the papa.Pemerin Public Service Innovation Competition (SiNovik) 2016. 2. Innovation in transportation namely Purbalingga and PT Angkasa Pura (AP) II will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) related to the construction of General Soedirman Airport on Thursday (14/9/2017). The MoU which will be the basis of the implementation the construction of the Great Soedirman Air Force became a commercial airport, from the previous as the Air Force base. 3. Innovation in the field of improving the economy is to overcome the problems of poverty and unemployment by way of training-training (training to make wigs, sewing training, exhaust tailoring and make false eyelashes), 4. Innovation in the field of Innovation Innovation Local Government of Purbalingga Regency agro development is done in Serang Village, Karangreja Subdistrict, Purbalingga District through the development of BUMDes. BUMDes are named "SERANG MAKMUR SEJAHTERA". The objective of the efforts undertaken by BUMDes is to develop the effort to reduce poverty and unemployment, improve the ability to utilize the existing resources in Serang village, and improve the fungi of economic institutions in the tourism sector

Keywords: Innovation, Service, Public, Agro Tourism, Government, Region

Kata Kunci

Innovation, Service, Public, Agro Tourism, Government, Region

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