Inovasi Daerah Sektor Pariwisata (Studi Kasus Inovasi Pembangunan Pariwisata Kab Purworejo Jawa Tengah)

Agus Bahrudin


With the ongoing reformation and now with the enactment of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government, the regional development is directed to several development policies that describe the change of development and regional development as well as the management of financing through the reorganization of government institutions and local officials in carrying out their duties and functions in order to realize the implementation of democratic and decentralized development

Innovation becomes a necessity that needs to be done so that the existence of government becomes meaningful. The hallmark of successful innovation is the creation and utilization of new processes, new products, new services and new delivery methods, resulting in significant improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and quality being meaningful to the public.

Innovation of tourism becomes a necessity that must be done by local government in the development of investment and increase of regional income. In the development of tourism district Purworejo has been able to prepare a master plan for tourism development. Aspects used in the development of tourism include the marketing of the potential of tourism, management of tourism potential, development of tourism destinations, the development of tourism marketing, and the development of the tourism industry

Keywords: Innovation, local, development, tourism

Kata Kunci

Innovation, local, development, tourism

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