Inovasi Daerah, Kemandirian, dan Daya Saing Di Era Baru Pembangunan Otonomi Daeah

Pratiwi Tedjo


To examine local innovations in different dimensions of regional development problems and strategies in the era of regional autonomy with a focus on the extent to which regional autonomy creates important changes in the region. When regional autonomy is proclaimed by the government, there will automatically be a fundamental and structural paradigm shift. Regional autonomy brings reforms both in self-reliance and competitiveness in regional development planning, executive-legislative relationships as well as central-regional and government-business relationships. Paradigmapun shifted from centralization to the centralization of blood development into innovative regional development. The dynamics of regional autonomy have led to changes in local government format towards regional innovation. National and regional development planning systems have changed since the reform era until now. In fact dominated by the central government that plays a role in determining budget allocations for blood innovation by taking into account local priorities ranging from designing and implementing regional development strategies to transforming the local economy, developing regional fundamentals, developing superior products, rural industries, developing institutional aspects, and accelerated development.

Keywords ; innovation, independence, competitiveness, development of regional autonomy

Kata Kunci

innovation, independence, competitiveness, development of regional autonomy

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