Inovasi Daerah Dalam Pembangunan Desa Berbasis Potensi Desa (Kajian Pengembangan Desa Inovasi Maos-lor, Kecamatan Maos, Kabupaten Cilacap)

Rahmad Purwanto, Christine Diah Wahyuningsih


Village development requires innovation in utilizing science and technology so that villages experience a leap forward in the welfare and prosperity of the community. This policy is in line with Central Java Governor Regulation No. 65 of 2012 on Regional Innovation System (SIDa) in Central Java Province which prioritizes on three main programs, namely: (1) development of creative districts / municipalities; (2) innovative villages and (30 small and medium enterprise development based on innovation clusters.Cilacap Regency in the context of village innovation planning 10 pilot villages of innovation in order to become the new flagship of village development, one of them is Maoslor Village.

Maoslor village is located in strategic area and fast growing in development area of Kabuoaten Cilacap. Maoslor Village is in accordance with the potential and seed of the village to be one of Innovation villages in Cilacap Regency, with superior in fishery and agriculture sector especially rice. Its development requires hard work to realize that goal. The establishment of Desa Maoslor as an innovation village is expected to be more developed and provides learning for village institutions and village communities in developing superior potential and business opportunities, both culinary tourism villages and entrepreneurship development in fast growing areas in Cilacap regency. Another equally important stakeholder role is the synergy between OPDs at the Government of Cilacap Regency and other stakeholders. All activities across the WTO need to be deliberated and drafted measurable action plans for guidance and evaluation.

 Keywords: Innovation, Local , development, potential, village

Kata Kunci

Innovation, Local , development, potential, village

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