Inovasi Daerah Untuk Meningkatkan Iklim Investasi

Suparno Suparno


The imbalance of economic development in Indonesia raises the aspirations of regions to manage their own households more independently. The regional autonomy era in Indonesia began in 2001 since the enactment of Law no. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government and then renewed by Law no. 32 Year 2004.

One of the objectives of the regional autonomy policy is to accelerate development in areas with the objective of improving the welfare of the people. To accelerate regional development in the era of regional autonomy, the involvement of investors / private sector must be dominant, because the private sector is more expansive in accelerating development.For example  through development and utilization of potential alam.That is certainly automatically increase the number of workforce in the region, while increasing local revenue (PAD) of each region.

Three-way investment objectives are (1) to encourage economic growth, (2) to support employment as well as (3) reduce the inter-regional development gap. The higher the value of investment, the greater the impact and benefits, such as absorbing labor, optimization of natural resources, and most importantly improve the welfare of all people in the area.

To attract investors to invest, local governments must make various innovations in facilitating the needs of investors, among others:

(1) Renewal of Policies and Regulations on Investment, (2) Implementation of One Stop Service (PTSP), (3) Preparation of Human Resources / Local Workers (4) Provision of Incentives and Ease (5) Provision of Legal Certainty

Recommendations for regions to attract investors to invest: (1) Optimize integrated licensing agencies with provision of data and information, and accelerated licensing that is supported by the provision of information systems based on information technology (IT) and online services. (2) Developing information system of capital investment based on information technology (3) Optimizing routine program of institution to update data, technical guidance. (4) Optimizing the assets of the region in facilitating the provision of land. (5) Increasing the carrying capacity of facilities and infrastructure for investment. The need for basic infrastructure services such as roads, clean water, electricity, and supporting infrastructure is one of the regional attractions to attract investors.

Keywords: regional investment, regional innovation

Kata Kunci

regional investment, regional, innovation

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