The Role of Career Development in Improving Employee Performance: Empirical Study on Private Higher Education in Central Java, Indonesia

Suparjo Suparjo, Endang Sri Sunarsih


This paper main objective was to investigate whether  career development has impact on employees performance. This paper is quantitative in nature. Data for the paper have been collected through primary source that are from questionnaires surveys. The data have been checked through statistical software to find the impact of career counseling on worker efficiency, and career mentoring and skill assessment on employees performance. The population of this study was 1,116 lecturers and administrative staff  of 10 Private Higher Education in Central Java, Indonesia., and the taken sample was 250 respondents. Descriptive statistic tools SPSS were applied on the questionnaire to see the reliability and consistency. The result showed that career counseling had a positive and significant effect  on worker efficiency, and career mentoring and skill assessment had a positive and significant effect  on employees performance. The study recommends that organizations should encourage career counseling activities as a leeway of providing a sustainable framework upon which employees acquire the needed operational skills that will enhance their job performance in a typical organization.


career counseling, career mentoring, skill assessment, job performance

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