Strengthening the Accreditation Regulations for Equitable Primary Healthcare Clinics

Andrew Robert Diyo


Justice traces its roots to “adil” in Indonesia, embodying impartiality and neutrality. Indonesia's healthcare system contends with complex challenges related to accessibility and cost disparities between private and government facilities. Improving service quality, especially at the primary level, is crucial for national health objectives. Despite the mandatory accreditation, obstacles such as high costs, limited understanding, and infrastructural constraints hinder the government's efforts to enhance public health. The problem formulation of this research emphasizes accomplishments, challenges, and solutions related to the accreditation of first-level healthcare facilities in Indonesia. The focus is on evaluating current achievements, identifying emerging issues, and proposing remedies to ensure equitable access, efficiency, and improvement in service quality. This research adopts a normative juridical approach, involving an examination of legal products in the form of regulations and legislation, coupled with an observation of the realities existing in society, particularly those related to the fairness of primary clinic accreditation. The study's object encompasses literature categorized as secondary data, utilizing a normative juridical approach that perceives law as a norm within society. Private clinics encounter challenges related to infrastructure, funding, and comprehension of accreditation processes. A significant financial burden, particularly for non-profit facilities, associated with accreditation survey fees, stands out as a major obstacle. Comprehensive support and guidance, including efforts to streamline the accreditation process, emerge as critical solutions to enhance healthcare service quality. These constraints not only affect public access to quality healthcare facilities but also jeopardize the operational sustainability of healthcare facilities. Therefore, concrete and collaborative measures are essential to achieving national health goals, including the provision of practical guidelines, staff training, and infrastructure assistance. Simplifying the accreditation process will yield manifold benefits by enhancing efficiency, expanding access, and fostering sustainable improvements, ensuring equivalent healthcare service quality access across all layers of Indonesian society.



Keywords: accreditation; equity; healthcare facilities; quality healthcare services

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