Pengaruh Kode Etik Akuntan, Personal Ethical Philosophy, Corporate Ethical Value Terhadap Persepsi Etis Dan Pertimbangan Etis Auditor (Studi Empiris pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jakarta)

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Rest (1986) mengemukakan bahwa untuk bertindak secara moral, seseorang paling tidak harus telah melakukan empat proses psikologi dasar, yaitu: sensitivitas etis; pertimbangan etis; motivasi etis; dan karakter etis. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada komponen pertama dan kedua, yaitu sensitivitas etis dan pertimbangan etis, dari empat komponen model Rest. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji secara empiris pengaruh dari kode etik akuntan, personal ethical philosophy, corporate ethical value terhadap persepsi etis dan pertimbangan etis auditor. Populasi penelitian ini adalah para auditor yang bekerja pada kantor akuntan publik (KAP) di Jakarta. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Sebuah sampel yang terdiri atas 52 auditor telah digunakan untuk menginvestigasi efek dari kode etik akuntan, serta personal ethical philosophy dan corporate ethical value mereka terhadap persepsi etis dan pertimbangan etis.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada suatu efek positif yang secara statistik signifikan dari kode etik akuntan, personal ethical philosophy, corporate ethical value terhadap persepsi etis dan pertimbangan etis auditor.

Kata kunci: Kode etik akuntan, personal ethical philosopi, corporate ethical value, ethical perception, ethical judgment, auditors and Rest’s four-component model.

Rest (1986) posited that to behave morally, an individual must have performed at least four basic psychological processes: ethical sensitivity; ethical judgment; ethical motivation; and ethical character. This study focused on the first and second component: ethical sensitivity and ethical judgment, of Rest’s model. The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the influence of the ethical code of Indonesian accountants, personal ethical philosophy, corporate ethical value on ethical perception and ethical judgment of auditors. The population of the research were auditors working at public accountant firms in Jakarta. This research use purposive sampling method to collect data. A sample of 52 auditors was employed to investigate the effects of the ethical code of Indonesian accountants, their personal ethical philosophy and corporate ethical value on ethical perception and ethical judgment.Findings of this research showed that there were a positive effect of the ethical code of Indonesian accountants, personal ethical philosophy, corporate ethical value on ethical perception and ethical judgment of auditors.

Keywords: the ethical code of the Indonesian accountants, personal ethical philosophy, corporate ethical value, ethical perception, ethical judgment, auditors and Rest’s four-component model.

Kata Kunci

Kode etik akuntan, personal ethical philosopi, corporate ethical value, ethical perception, ethical judgment, auditors and Rest’s four-component model.

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