Indra Kertati



Pandemi covid-19 yang berlangsung sejak awal 2020, telah berdampak pada Kesehatan, social dan ekonomi masyarakat. Pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah yang biasanya menjadi roda kehidupan keonomi masyarakat tidak mampu bertahan. Berbagai kebijakan yang diuluncurkan pemerintah suka tidak suka harus diterima demi Kesehatan sekaligus uasaha yang tidak berhenti. Deregulasi dan debirokratisasi menjadi tempat untuk menguatkan dan mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis bagaimana deregulasi dan debirokratisasi mampu memberikan peluang bagi UMKM untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Fokus penelitian ini meliputi respon kebijakan pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan masalah UMKM, dan kemampuan UMKM dalam meningkatkan kemampuan bertahan menghadapai pandemic covid-19. Lokus penelitian di Kota Surakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukan deregulasi dan debirokratisasi mampu untuk mendorong usaha mikro kecil dan menengah menghadapi pandemic covid-19. Meskipun poeningkatannya masih cenderung melambat namun berbagai upaya telah membantu bangkit dan bekerja.


Kata kunci : pandemic, covid-19, pelaku, deregulasi, debirokratisasi, UMKM



The COVID-19 pandemic, which has been ongoing since early 2020, has had an impact on the health, social and economy of the community. Micro, small and medium enterprises, which are usually the wheels of the economic life of the community, are unable to survive. Various policies launched by the government, whether we like it or not, must be accepted for the sake of health as well as efforts that do not stop. Deregulation and debureaucratization are places to strengthen and develop the community's economy. The purpose of this study is to analyze how deregulation and debureaucratization are able to provide opportunities for MSMEs to grow and develop. The focus of this research includes the response to government policies in solving MSME problems, and the ability of MSMEs to increase their ability to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. The research locus in Surakarta City. The results of the study show that deregulation and debureaucratization are able to encourage micro, small and medium enterprises to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the increase is still likely to slow down, various efforts have helped to get up and work.


Keywords: pandemic, covid-19, perpetrators, deregulation, debureaucratization, UMKM

Kata Kunci

pandemic, covid-19, pelaku, deregulasi, debirokratisasi, UMKM

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