Alexius Sunaryo



 Public services in Indonesia, oriented towards the State's objectives, are contained in the opening of the 1945 Constitution, especially in the fourth century. The operationalization of the formulation of Alenia IV, also systematically arranged into the Vision, Mission, Public Service Strategy. The formulation of the concept guideline to the operation of public services has also used the ideal service principles. The revised guidelines for public services are carried out fundamentally through bureaucratic reform. Because the rate of development of science and technology is faster than the development of the quality of human resources, resulting in the implementation of public services seems problematic. The final path that is balanced and fair, is when the political elite as public policy makers, behave and behave in a race to do good without worldly rewards.

Keywords: Bureaucratic, Reform,Policy, Service, Public.


Pelayanan Publik di Indonesia, berorientasi pada tujuan Negara, yang termuat dalam pembukanaan UUD1945 terutama pada alenia ke IV. Operasionalisasi rumusan alenia ke IV, juga tersusun sistematis ke dalam Visi, Misi, Strategi  Pelayanan Publik.  Perumusan pedoman Konsep sampai operasional pelayanan publik juga telah menggunakan prisip-prinsip pelayanan yang ideal. Revisi pedoman pelayanan publik justru dilakukan secara fundamental melalui reformasi birokrasi. Karena laju  perkembangan IPTEKS yang lebih cepat dari perkembangan kualitas SDM, mengakibatkan implementasi pelayanan publik  seakan bermasalah. Jalan akhir yang imbang dan wajar, adalah bila elit politik sebagai pembuat kebijakan publik, bersikap dan berperilkaku berlomba berbuat kebaikan yang tanpa imbalan yang sifatnya duniawi.

Kata kunci : Reformasi, Birokrasi, Kebijakan, Pelayanan, Publik.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56444/mia.v17i1.1459

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