Christine Diah Wahyuningsih



The portrait of multicultural societies that can coexist in terms of customs and culture even though they come from different ethnic groups shows that the cultural diversity in society expressed socially has proven not to give birth to social conflict. The main reference for the realization of a multicultural Indonesian society is multiculturalism, which is a view that recognizes and admires differences in equality, both individually and culturally.

Multiculturalism can develop when supported by tolerance and a willingness to respect one another. Building a multicultural society starts from an understanding called multiculturalism, which is an idea that contains an effort to understand the nature of the complexities and interrelations between one culture with another culture that is an element of multicultural culture.

Public policy has a very broad dimension because it covers what the government does or does not do. That is, what the government does not do on a particular issue also becomes a public policy. In a broad sense, public policy has an absolute relationship with the community, because the orientation of public policy will return to the community and its environment.

In some cases, even though public policies have been prepared in accordance with values and interests that cannot be avoided, so that the real involvement of the whole community in the formulation process, responsible for the implementation and in reviewing the development results of public policy is an indicator of the success of a policy. This implies that there must be strong synergy between the people and the government in a public policy.

Kata Kunci

Public Policy, Multicultural, Society, Engagement

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