Munawar Noor




The idea of democracy dates back to ancient Greece in the 4th century BC, the City State implemented a Democracy system that involved the community in making political decisions, where the area of the city was actually small and the population was entitled to vote for approximately 300 thousand people. Montesquieu set up a system that can guarantee the political rights of the people (trias politica), which is a system of separation of powers within the state into legislative, executive and judicial powers, each held by a different person.

Democracy as a system has been used as an alternative in various social and state activities in several countries. There are two reasons for choosing democracy as a social and state system.

First, almost all countries in the world have made democracy a fundamental principle. Secondly, democracy as a principle of state has essentially provided direction for the role of the community to organize the State as its highest organization. Therefore, true knowledge and understanding of citizens is needed about democracy.

Carrying out democracy means straightening the intention to uphold the rights of others in opinion and accepting a different opinion or view in public requires common sense, because only by activating common sense can the potential to arrive at a substantial democracy will be realized.

A democracy can be said to fail if it experiences a deadlock or stagnation in the process. Maintaining or caring for democracy in a country is not easy. There are a number of things that need to be considered so that the political order of a country's democracy remains on track, namely in accordance with the rule of law and the constitution and democratic values.

Kata Kunci

Caring, Democratic Values, Rule of Law, Political Order

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