Lintang Desi Ariyanti Putri


Presidential Instructions (INPRES) number 6 of 2020 concerning increasing discipline and law enforcement of health protocols in the prevention and control of Covid-19 gives a strong message regarding the need for coordination between the central government should monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies in various regions in Indonesia related to handling the prevention of Covid-19. The central government should also pay special attention to areas that have a high number of people exposed to Covid-19. It takes disciplinary behavior that is carried out collectively with full awareness so that we are able to win the war against Covid-19 in one of the main way by implementing a disciplined lifestyle with 3M namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds and washing hands with soap. The effectiveness of a policy does not stop at a pieces of paper, how far all stakeholders are able to ensure that it's implementation in the field goes well.


Covid-19; enforcement of health protocol offenders; Health protocol


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35973/malrev.v2i1.2012

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