Yustanti Elfrida Basani Siagian, Inti Englishtina


Figurative language is one of the languages used in literary works, especially in song lyrics. It is often used to help songwriters create beautiful songs by conveying unusual words in song lyrics. It also gives the right role to the reader or listener. Therefore, the use of figurative language in a work will make the reader or listener excited. The use of figurative language can also make listeners have a broad imagination and understand the meanings available through figurative language in a song explicitly.

When people listen to music through its lyrics, language plays an important role in conveying the meaning of the song. Moana is a Disney film that also uses many songs as the background. Therefore, this study aims to determine the types of figures of speech and the meaning of song lyrics in the Moana movie. The researcher analyzed the types of figurative language and the meanings contained in the song lyrics. The researcher also analyzes how figurative language contributes to the meaning of the song lyrics.

The researcher analyzed the song lyrics by reading them intensively and paying attention to each line. After that, the researcher analyzed the figurative language and the meaning of the song's lyrics. This is to determine whether the sentences are included in figurative language based on the meaning of the sentences in the lyrics of the song. The data instrument is song lyrics in the movie Moana. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method. Through these steps, the researcher found 8 figurative languages in the song lyrics, that is symbol, metonymy, personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, allegory, and understatement. From this thesis, the researcher hopes that they will be interested in learning more about figurative language, and they will better understand the meaning of figurative language in a song.

Keywords: Types of Figurative Language, Meaning of figurative language, Semantics, Song Lyrics, Moana movie.

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